What Is Going On Here?

What is this

Hello pretentious peasants, noir, camp, and horror film cultists, retro record obsessives, and lovers of literary marginalia. The Wonder List is an online cabinet of curiosities, brimming with treasured tales, aesthetic amusement, and eccentric knowledge aplenty.

This is a place where I indulge my (mostly self-indulgent) curiosity as it pertains to the realms of cinema, literature, modernist art, poetry, progressive and folk rock records, and all other fascinating subjects under the sun.

Who is this

I’m Emma Kansiz, a make-believe cultural spectator of sorts who revels in subjects ephemeral, maddening, and eclectic. My dream is to take a month off and read 100 books in rapid succession. One day.

As for the LinkedIn summary of events, I write for a lovely social, political, and corporate activism company where I work on gun control legislation, migrant justice, the U.S. border crisis, and women’s rights. I work for a litany (just kidding, wanted to use that word) of fascinating creatives ghostwriting for them in the fields of music, film, environmental justice, and literature. I also work with (and occasionally for) a fab software company based out of New Zealand.

My base is a town of 300 in the remote wilds of Canada where I mostly kayak, read non-fiction, and listen to The War on Drugs, The Grateful Dead, and Gordon Lightfoot until my head spins. If you want to talk about creative ephemera, criticize the dominant culture, or swap reading lists, say hi.